About Us

Who we are

Datingsitesrating.com is an online dating website review platform dedicated to helping singles wishing to find their ideal dates through an online dating site save time and effort by assessing the authenticity and reliability of these sites. Recently, many users in search for the best online dating services have turned to our website for help, rather than repeatedly searching for and filtering useful information themselves. We're constantly striving to help users find the best options and updating review information to respond to market changes in a timely manner.

What we do

Datingsitesrating.com makes online dating easier and more realistic by researching online dating websites with high reputation on the Internet. We have dedicated staff to register and create personal accounts on dating websites, find ideal matches and initially experience their services. Our staff focus on the services, pricing system, membership quality, website security, privacy protection and after-sales service, etc. of these online dating websites, and provide comprehensive ratings according to their own experiences. Furthermore, we regularly contact real users of the websites to collect their personal experiences and feedback, and allow them to give ratings. Finally, we combine the scores of all our staff to obtain the final rating and ranking of these dating sites.

Reviewing an online dating site is a lengthy and difficult process that, while time consuming and labor intensive, helps to reduce many fraudulent incidents. If you are concerned about the authenticity of an online dating site, please feel free to contact us at admin@datingsitesrating.com and we will review the site as soon as possible.